BHC Pic of the Week- Tribute to JP: Nr. 13

I think I hear faint whispers

As I cross the abandoned bridge

And climb the mountain far ahead

To reach the topmost ridge.


I see the hills that lie beyond

Then descend to the valley below

Where sweethearts have a trysting place

As their parents long ago.


I pause to look at the tumbled bridge

With its old, moss-covered roof

And in fancy I hear again

The sound of plodding hoof.


I seem to hear the swallows

As back and forth they go,

Carrying mud to build their nests

Under the eaves to low.


The bridge, which JP photographed in 2011 was the Orient Bridge in Pickaway County in Ohio. I won’t go further with that structure, except I wrote an article and included a clip from History in your Own Backyard by Satolli Glassmeyer. To learn more about the bridge, click here.