Bridge Inquiries


This page features a list of forums and inquiries either provided by the author or brought to the attention by the readers and those who have projects in the pipeline but need help in terms of getting equiries out to the public. It is open to everyone and therefore, if you have any questions for the forum or need help for a book and/or project, please contact Jason D. Smith, using the contact form below, and they will be posted in the Bridgehunter’s Chronicles and listed here.

The following inquiries include the following projects:

Photos, Postcards and Information/Stories on Iowa’s Truss Bridges for Book  (J. Smith)

Photos and Information for Bridge Book on the Des Moines River (J. Smith)

Pennsylvania truss bridges in Iowa (J. Smith)

Mystery Bridge photos

The Bridges of Madison County, Iowa


The list is subject to change as some more projects will be added and some closed (highlighted in orange).

A separate page, Mystery Bridges, can be found by clicking here.