Waltz Road Bridge to be replaced; new bridge expected to be open by end of 2018

Bad news out of the States: A unique two-span Camelback pony truss bridge in Michigan is cming down this year. A unique one that will be mised by many in the region. More from the Huron Hub here……

The Huron Hub - Huron Township News - New Boston News

The Waltz Road Bridge, pictured here, will be replaced and is estimated to be open by the end of 2018, according to Wayne County.

By Scott Bolthouse — Hub Editor — ScottBolthouse@HuronHub.com

Wayne County announced Wednesday that the Waltz Road Bridge will undergo a full replacement which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

The county closed the nearly 100-year-old bridge on June 1 after an inspection found the bridge bearings had deteriorated to the point that it was deemed unsafe to keep open.

Further inspection also revealed that the bridge deck and steel supports were also in need of repair.

The county said that it reviewed both repair and replacement options and decided replacement offers the longest life for the bridge while being the most cost effective.

The county estimates that replacement gives the bridge a 60-year life span at an estimated cost of $5.4 million.


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