BHC Pic of the Week Nr. 287

The Motorway 72 between Chemnitz and Leipzig is almost completed, yet we are starting to see many fancy bridges crossing the motorway that will be 169 km long from Hof to Leipzig when construction ends by 2026. Apart from the tall viaducts built in the 1930s between Hof (Bavaria) and Chemnitz, we are seeing tall modern viaducts and welded metal bridges popping up in the past decade.

Apart from the one at the interchange with the Motorway 38 south of Leipzig (see my previous article by clicking here), we have this “shoe-shaped” cantilever Warren truss bridge located near Penig, about 15 km north of Chemnitz. The truss design was constructed in 2014 and serves as a pedestrian crossing. This bridge is one of the most attractive of the new overpasses along this stretch of Motorway, yet having to photograph it is difficult with all the traffic that accompanies travel. One has to photograph it from the car or simply pull over to get a shot. Both have setbacks, with the latter option being dangerous because of the high volume of traffic combined with the risk of an accident.

I chose the lesser of the evils with a drive-by shooting, which is best done from a passenger seat. Taken with a Smartphone, one has an opportunity to take multiple shots, assuming the phone does not take its time with the focusing. Nevertheless, one can see its entire length and its design contraption. It’s not the best shot but one that shows its true colors, despite the emmission tags and smudging on the windows.


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