BHC Pic of the Week Nr. 286

Pittsburgh has one of the highest number of bridges in the world, ranking it up there with Hamburg, Berlin (Germany) and Venice (Italy), with over 2000 structures. It is also a treasure chest when it comes to structures originating from different eras, each one having a history. But each bridge is a photographer’s dream as it can be photographed from different vantage points and at any time of the day.

And this is where this week’s Bridge Pic comes in. This was photographed by Todd Wilson, who has an Instagram page on Pittsburgh’s unique structures. And it shows one of the Three Sister Bridges reflecting on the clear waters of the Allegheny River. Built in 1926-28, the the spans featured self-anchored suspension bridges with signature gold-colored arch towers. They were renamed after Rachel Carson (this photo), Roberto Clemente and Andy Warhol, three prominent celebrities who left a mark in American history who has roots in the Steel City. Most recently, they were renovated from top to bottom, which included new decking and paint, plus modern LED lighting- for the towers and for the ornamental street lamps. It started in 2009 and concluded with the rehab of the Rachel Carson in 2020.

Nevertheless this bridge’s beauty, reflecting off the river, got me into writing a poem about reflections from the bridge, asking about the meaning of life, the what-ifs and whether it is too late to change or not. One should remember the implications changes have on the people around you. Have a look at the poem and enjoy! 🙂


Standing on the Bridge

In the late afternoon

At the foot of ridge

Behind it rises the Moon.


I look back at my time

And ask some tough question.

What was the purpose of my time here?

What has God sent me to do here?


But the answers of life I sought

Became nothing more but questions.

What have I done to be here?

What should I have done to be there?


Is this the Life that I expected?

Or was it something that disappointed?

Was this Life like a Hollywood film,

Where there is an everlasting story in the end?


But perhaps not everything in Life is a Given.

Life sometimes has to be Earned.

We are what we put in,

No matter the obstacles.


We are who we are.

And it’s like the bridge I stand on.

It was built by many to last a lifetime

And enjoyed by many for all the time.


Is this the bridge we want?

That’s just what life is about.

Like the bridge, I can change it in contempt,

Or leave it as is, to be contempt.


But if I change, I must be aware

It is for my purpose and mine only.

And the bridge that I’m on

Will be different from yesterday.


Some food for thought as we start the week. 🙂
