BHC Pic of the Week Nr. 292

If you are interested in getting to know South Africa, its places to visit and culture, Sunshine Simplicities is the place to do that. It’s a blog that has everything to offer, including bridges. This structure is one of them. The Settler’s Bridge is located at the north entrance to Port Elizabeth. Spanning the Swartzkopf River, the bridge carries the freeway N2 which goes past the city. It’s the last bridge spanning the river before it empties into the Indian Ocean on the southern tip of Africa. The bridge was built in the 1960s as a single lane crossing, yet a second one similar to the original was added some 30 years later as part of the freeway project. This photo shows the clear waters of the river and the blue skies, taken from underneath the structure in the center. This is usually a good spot to photograph twin spans as it shows the reader what they look like and compare the ages of the two structures.

Which brings me up to this question for the forum: Which of the two are older? 🙂