Tohickon Creek Historic Bridges

Photo by lgg pics on

In the past five plus years, locals have been working with officials to save the remaining bridges along Tohickon Creek in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The area consists of four structures over a century old each, two of which are wooden structures and one used to carry rail traffic across the Delaware River but was destroyed in the flood of 1954. That bridge was located near the creek’s confluence with the major waterway. There’s a video which you can see below, which shows you the structures that exist. Each one has its history and significance. Feel free to watch the guide and make note of it in the comment section below or in the youtube channel. Enjoy the guide! 🙂

You can also check out the historic bridges in Bucks County, many of which span the Delaware River. A great travel idea for anyone who loves historic bridges and nature.


Your bridge matters! ❤

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